PLURALS - in general ..................................... BACK to INDEX

Remember that if it is more than one thing....a plural is required, e.g.

two books, seven children, thirty cats

Some words, or phrases, also indicate the need for a plural word to follow, e.g.

some, many, few, a lot of, a number of, several, plenty of, any, a couple of, most

The plural form in English is mostly quite easy. Words either have "s" or " es " added to the singular form, e.g.

book - books, dog - dogs, box - boxes, dress - dresses, glass - glasses

But some words have there own plural form, e.g.

foot - feet, child - children, knife - knives, mouse - mice

Others stay the same, or are plural words in their own right, e.g.

sheep, pyjamas, trousers, scissors,